Research is vital to data-driven, informed decisions, especially in regards to health. At Family Planning Tasmania, we advocate on behalf of Tasmanians, and we do that with research.
We also provide invaluable information to contribute to discussions and policy-making. All our data is de-identified.
Family Planning Tasmania has research partnerships with Monash University and the University of Tasmania. All our research is conducted in the strictest of confidence and undertakes rigorous ethics approaches to ensure the best possible outcomes for our priority populations.
Family Planning Tasmania supports an active research environment and is committed to ensuring that research is conducted at a high standard and in an ethical manner.
Any Family Planning Tasmania staff member involved in any research activity must conduct this activity in an ethical and professional manner and in accordance with these Guidelines and the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (NHMRC, ARC & Universities Australia, 2007).
At the 2020 Annual General Meeting, the Family Planning Tasmania (FPT) Board awarded the Miriam Court Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship to advance expertise amongst staff.
The scholarship was awarded to Emily Ingram, an FPT doctor, who is undertaking a qualitative study in collaboration with the University of Tasmania which explores women’s experiences of Medication Termination Of Pregnancy at FPT. Emily will be conducting interviews with clients to hear about their experiences and will assist in providing the highest quality of care to patients, informed by their experiences.
Completed and recently published:
This research has been published in abstract form but the full paper will be published online soon, with thanks to Family Planning Tasmania for supporting it to be open access.
Ongoing research:
An audit of the characteristics and outcomes of women undergoing medical termination of pregnancy at Family Planning Tasmania clinics. Data collection is almost complete from the Launceston clinic and will start shortly at the other two clinics. This is being conducted by Kath Ogden from UTAS with the assistance of two medical students (Shreya Maheshwari and Niamh Crocker) and an O&G registrar (Amy Correy)
A qualitative study of the experience women who have undergone medical termination of pregnancy. This is being conducted by one of our Launceston doctors, Emily Ingram, as part of her Masters in Public Health degree, supervised by Kath Ogden and Jen Ayton from University of Tasmania.