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Family Planning Tasmania named as the Tasmanian recipient of federal endometriosis clinic funding


We are delighted by the announcement from the Federal Department of Health and Aged Care that Family Planning Tasmania has been selected to receive funding that will help us support more Tasmanians living with pelvic pain and endometriosis.

Our health clinics in Burnie, Launceston and Hobart already help over 16,000 Tasmanians a year manage their sexual and reproductive health. Many of our patients live with pelvic pain or symptoms suggestive of endometriosis and our doctors and nurses work hard to ensure our patients’ symptoms are taken seriously and they receive the best possible care and treatment.

This additional funding will help us further improve and expand our endometriosis and pelvic pain service to more Tasmanians who need it across the state.

We are looking forward to working with Primary Health Tasmania to establish the service in all three of our clinics over the coming months.

For more information on this announcement, please contact Clinical Services Manager, Jessica Willis.


Endometriosis information now available on our website here >>

We have also published advice and information on endometriosis on our website, which we will continue to update with information and resources. With the additional funding, we hope to make a meaningful impact in the lives of Tasmanians struggling with pelvic pain and endometriosis.

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